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  Data File Formats (Converter List)                    
FTIRsearch.com is the only spectral search site on the web that can read your spectral data files no matter what spectrometer software or file format you use. Using Thermo Fisher's SmartConvert technology, the FTIRsearch.com server can automatically determine the format of the data files you submit for searching, translate them and process them using our high speed library searching engine. In most cases, there is no need for you to "export" your spectra into intermediary formats like JCAMP or ASCII to use the spectral searching service. Simply select your data file and submit it. (FTIRsearch.com also supports a number of generic formats like JCAMP and Thermo Scientific SPC for those users who need them.)

When you upload a file to FTIRsearch.com for a Spectrum Search, the server software automatically analyzes your data file, translates it and redisplays it in your browser - all in a fraction of a second. This gives you the opportunity to review the spectrum to make sure it is correct before proceeding with the Spectrum Search. If your spectrum data is not recognized or cannot be displayed correctly, you can simply cancel out of the search before any changes are made to your account.

The following information lists all the instruments and file formats supported on FTIRsearch.com. Please check the entry for your instrument before submitting any spectral data files for searching. In some cases, there are special instructions for file naming or other issues that are important to understand in order to make sure your data files are compatible with the FTIRsearch.com services. When possible, each section lists the normal file extensions generated by the instrument or software when the spectral data are stored. Since this is one of the criteria SmartConvert uses to identify the file format, please make sure your data uses one of the recognized file extensions for that data format.

Generic File Formats
Instrument Software File Formats
Acton SpectraSense
Analect PC80, FX70 and FX80
Beckman FT1000/2000
Bio-Rad Digilab 3200
Bio-Rad Digilab IMX
Bio-Rad Digilab Win-IR and Win-IR Foundation
Bio-Rad Digilab Win-IR Pro and Merlin
Bio-Rad Sadtler SearchMaster, IR Mentor and Sadtler Suite
Bomem DA Series (PDP)
Bomem DA Series (Windows)
Bomem Win-Bomem Easy and Bomem GRAMS/32
Bruker ATS
Bruker OPUS (OS/2 & NT)
Chromex ChromSpec
Dilor LabSpec
Dilor Microdil Raman
Horiba FT200/300/530
Interspectrum/Spectrolab PFS2000
ISA DOS SpectraMax
ISA Prism
ISA Windows SpectraMax and SpectraMax Lite
Jasco IR SpectraManager
JEOL WinSpec
Kaiser Optical Systems HoloGRAMS
Midac GRAMS/32
Nicolet PC-IR
Nicolet SX/DX 1280
PerkinElmer 3600/7000
PerkinElmer GRAMS Analyst/Research (1000 & 2000)
PerkinElmer IR Data Manager
PerkinElmer Spectrum IR for Windows
Philips IR/40
Renishaw WiRE
Roper/Photometrics CCD9000
Roper/Photometrics MAPS
Shimadzu HyperIR
Spectra Calc, Lab Calc, GRAMS/386 and GRAMS/32
Thermo Scientific OMNIC
Varian Resolutions and Resolutions Pro



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