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Text Searching
Why don't I get any matches when I perform a Text search?
How can I find out if the database contains a spectrum I want?
Spectral Searching
How can I subtract a spectrum in the hit list from my spectrum?
How can I search the database using only a specific region of a spectrum?
Can I select a region to exclude from the search by clicking on the spectrum display?
How does spectral searching work?
Do non-linearities in my spectrum affect the search results?
Can I search spectra of mixture samples against the database?
Do I need to remove any baseline drift from a spectrum before running a search?
Can "noisy" spectra be searched against the database?
Search Results
Can I download the data file of a spectrum from the database in JCAMP or SPC format?
How can I save a set of search results?
How can I paste the search results, hit list, or spectra into another application like MS Word?
Member Accounts
Why am I getting a "Blocked Domain" message when I try to open a new account?
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