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  Search Demo Instructions                    
If you are interested in signing up for an FTIRsearch.com member account, but you're not quite sure how it works, you can try the Search Demo first. The search demo works exactly like the full service search. However, the database of available spectra is substantially smaller than the collections available in the account member's area. Other than the smaller database, all the features of FTIRsearch.com Text Search and Spectrum Search are completely functional in the demo.
To learn more about the Search Demo, refer to the following topics:
Demo Database
The demo database includes a subset of spectra randomly selected from the full database collections in the account members area (nearly 71,000 FTIR and 16,000 Raman) as follows:


Access the Demo
All you need to do is go to the Member's Login page, and type demo for the Email Address (there's no password). This will access the FTIRsearch.com account member's area, but it will only allow you to search the smaller demo database. When you log in under a demo account, it will be filled automatically with a fixed number of FTIRsearch.com credits. As you search the database, search charges will be deducted from the demo account balance in the same manner as they would be for account members. However, the member account management features are disabled and you cannot "purchase" more credits while logged in to a demo account.


Text Search
Every spectrum in the FTIRsearch.com database is identified with a Compound Name. Many of them also have other types of text and number information such as CAS Number, Chemical Formula or a Trade Name associated with them. Any or all of this information can be used to look up individual spectra in the library database.
The Text Search option can only retrieve the first 50 spectra that match your search criteria. Therefore, FTIRsearch.com allows you to refine your search parameters as many times as you like so that you can be sure to get the spectra you want.
Sometimes it can be hard to find the exact compound you are looking for using a Text Search. This is especially true if you don't know the name of the compound or any other information about the spectrum you want to find. In fact, in many cases you will measure spectra in your lab and have no idea what they are at all. This is where a Spectrum Search becomes indispensable.


Spectrum Search
The most powerful feature of the FTIRsearch.com search engine is its ability to compare spectra to the collections in its database very quickly. The search engine is very efficient; it can compare a submitted spectrum to all 71,000 FTIR spectra in the database in under 5 seconds (even less for the 16,000 Raman spectra). You can also choose to search only certain collections and get your results back even faster.
The FTIRsearch.com search engine can accept almost any type of spectral data file. Before searching the libraries, the submitted data file is automatically translated into a common format using Thermo Scientific SmartConvert technology. To see if your instrument and software is supported, you can browse the list of data file formats. If you don't have any spectral data files of your own to try out the demo, there are some Example Data Files listed in both the Simple and Advanced Spectral upload pages of the Demo Mode. Simply click on the file you wish to compare to the demo database. The selected file will be uploaded and submitted to the FTIRsearch.com search engine.
When you use the Spectrum Search option, every data point in your spectrum data file will be compared to the spectra in the database and the top 25 matches will be retrieved. The matches are automatically sorted from best to worst and are displayed with your submitted data for easy comparison. You can use either the Simple Spectrum Search option (where all of the settings are preset), or you can use the Advanced Spectrum Search options to "tune" your search. If you are a new user or have never used spectral searching before, the Simple Spectrum Search option will almost always give you the best possible match. You can always go back and try other settings without using any extra credits.


Viewing the Search Results
FTIRsearch.com uses an interactive image to display the spectra from your search right in your web browser. The result page allows you to turn any spectrum in the list "on" or "off" and you can display them either in an overlaid or stack plot. You can also access all the textual and physical property information in the database for each spectrum on a separate Details page. If you use the Spectrum Search option to search a spectral data file against the database, it will be displayed in the image along with all the selected result spectra for easy comparison.




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