Flavors & Fragrances FT-IR Spectral Libraries
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The Flavors and Fragrances
Library contains 667 vapor-phase FT-IR spectra of materials used commercially for their
fragrance- or flavor-enhancing properties. All of the chemicals in the current collection
are on the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list of U.S. government-approved food
additives. The spectra were extracted from the Nicolet Vapor Phase Library. Most
of the spectra were collected by Aldrich Chemical Company using a GC interface to reduce
contamination and decomposition.
The spectra were originally acquired with 2 cm-1 digital resolution and were
mathematically deresolved during conversion to Thermo Scientific Omnic library format. |
To view the PDF file, you need the Adobe
Acrobat Reader. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, use the link on the left to
download it from the Adobe website. |
The PDF file lists the spectra
in the library. |
View Library PDF |
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